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Super Bowl LVIII Driver’s Safety

Avoid Illegal Contact While Driving During Super Bowl Weekend

In the NFL, a safety results in a team getting two points, which can help them to win the game. In real life, safety means that you get home to your family without injury. As Super Bowl VIII approaches, festivities and celebrations often accompany the big game, bringing friends and families together for parties and gatherings. However, with the excitement and socializing come potential risks, particularly when it comes to driving under the influence (DUI) and road safety.

Lloyd H. Thomas Law is a law firm specializing in personal injury cases, many of which revolve around car accidents as the result of drunk driving. Let’s discuss some ways to stay safe this February and to avoid accidents on Super Bowl Sunday.

Drunk Driving on Super Bowl Sunday

The Super Bowl is known for an increase in alcohol consumption. Whether people are going out to bars to watch the big game or congregating at a friend’s Super Bowl party, beer and other alcohol is often a staple of those celebrations. Therefore, it's crucial to address the potential dangers associated with impaired driving during this time.

One of the main concerns during Super Bowl parties is the consumption of alcohol, which can impair judgment, coordination, and reaction times. Individuals attending these gatherings may be tempted to get behind the wheel after having a few drinks, putting themselves and others at risk. Law enforcement agencies often increase patrols and conduct sobriety checkpoints around major events like the Super Bowl to deter and catch impaired drivers.

How to Host a Safe Super Bowl LVIII Event

The legal consequences of a DUI conviction can be severe, including fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment, underscoring the importance of responsible decision-making. To enhance road safety during Super Bowl parties, hosts can play a crucial role by promoting responsible drinking and offering alternative transportation options. Designated drivers, rideshare services, or public transportation can be viable alternatives to driving under the influence.

Hosting parties with non-alcoholic beverage options and arranging accommodations for guests who may be unable to drive can contribute to a safer environment. Public awareness campaigns leading up to the Super Bowl can also remind individuals of the potential consequences of impaired driving and encourage them to plan ahead for a safe journey home. Emphasizing personal responsibility and community well-being can help reduce the number of DUI incidents and contribute to a safer road environment during the Super Bowl festivities.

As the excitement builds for the Super Bowl, it is essential to prioritize road safety and discourage driving under the influence. Responsible choices, non-alcoholic beverage options, designated drivers, and alternative transportation options can all contribute to a safer celebration, ensuring that the joy of the game is not overshadowed by the tragic consequences of impaired driving. 

Need a Car Crash Attorney? Call Lloyd

Be aware, be safe, and remember that your legal resource Lloyd Thomas is here for you should the situation arise on Super Bowl Sunday. If you’re not sure what to do after a car accident, hiring a car accident lawyer is a smart decision that can make a big difference in the outcome of your case.

Contact Lloyd H. Thomas Law for an experienced law firm who specializes in car accidents. We are located in Atlanta, Georgia and are here to help you navigate the aftermath of a car accident.

Give us a call at (404) 848-8898 or click here to send us a message.

Thanks for reading! Stay safe, be responsible, and enjoy watching Super Bowl LVIII!

Why You Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage No


Lawyers Helping Injured People

Car accidents are a harsh reality of life on the road. While most drivers carry insurance coverage to protect themselves and others in the event of a collision, there are still a significant number of motorists who drive without insurance. With this in mind, it becomes crucial to understand the importance of uninsured motorist coverage and why you need it now.

Uninsured motorist coverage is an insurance option designed to protect you when you are involved in an accident with a driver who does not have liability insurance. This coverage provides financial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages resulting from the accident caused by the uninsured driver. It essentially acts as a safety net to ensure that you are not left to bear the burden of expenses if the at-fault driver cannot pay.

Below are some important reasons why you should consider getting uninsured motorist coverage today if you do not already have it.

Protection Against Uninsured Drivers

As mentioned above, the prevalence of uninsured drivers on the roads is a concerning reality. If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver and do not have uninsured motorist coverage, you may be forced to rely on your own resources to cover medical bills, car repairs, and other expenses resulting from the accident. Uninsured motorist coverage provides a layer of protection and peace of mind, knowing that you are financially safeguarded in such unfortunate situations.

Coverage in Hit-and-Run Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents, where the at-fault driver flees the scene without providing identification or insurance information, can leave you feeling helpless. Uninsured motorist coverage can step in and cover your expenses in these situations, ensuring that you are not left to bear the financial burden of someone else's negligence.

Supplementing Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Even if a driver carries insurance, their policy limits may not be sufficient to cover all of the damages resulting from an accident. In such cases, underinsured motorist coverage comes into play. It fills the gap between the at-fault driver's insurance coverage and the total cost of your damages. By combining uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, you can protect yourself against both uninsured and inadequately insured drivers.

Peace of Mind

Car accidents are stressful enough without the added worry of how you will cover the expenses. Uninsured motorist coverage provides peace of mind, knowing that you have taken proactive steps to protect yourself and your finances. It allows you to focus on your recovery and the well-being of yourself and your loved ones rather than the financial implications of an accident.

Navigating Uninsured Motorist Coverage

It's important to note that uninsured motorist coverage requirements and regulations vary by state. While some states mandate uninsured motorist coverage, others make it optional. Even in states where it is not required, it is strongly recommended to consider adding this coverage to your auto insurance policy. It is an additional layer of protection that can prove invaluable in times of need.

When considering uninsured motorist coverage, it's crucial to review your policy limits and understand the extent of coverage provided. Evaluate your personal circumstances, such as your budget, driving habits, and the prevalence of uninsured drivers in your area, to determine the appropriate coverage level for your needs. Discuss your options with an insurance agent who can guide you through the process.


Whether or not you have uninsured motorist coverage, the aftermath of a car accident is not always easy. If you need help with a settlement after getting into an auto accident, Call Lloyd!

Call (404) 848-8898 or click here to send him a message.

Lloyd H. Thomas Law are expert car accident attorneys in Atlanta, GA who are here to help you get fairly compensated for an accident that you didn’t cause.

Thanks for reading!

5 Things to do after a Collision and 5 Things to Avoid

Girl on phone with a car crash behind her

5 Dos and Don’ts in the Aftermath of a Car Accident

Owning a personal automobile is a modern luxury that millions of people get to do each year in the United States. Being a car owner gives you the freedom to drive whenever you want and wherever you want. Best of all, you can get around without needing to rely on lifts from other people, public transportation, or rideshare services. However, year after year the most commonly filed type of personal injury claim is a car accident because of the amount of cars on the road. Lloyd H. Thomas Law is a truck accident and car accident attorney helping clients to get fair compensation after suffering a personal injury during a collision. There are some things that you should do after a collision and some things that you should avoid doing. Today, we are taking a look at both. 

What to Do Right after a Collision

In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, there are some things that are important for you to do in order to properly document the incident and protect yourself to make it easier to get a settlement.

  1. Get a Police Report. First off, call the police, or 911 if there is an emergency or serious injury, because you'll need a police report. Even if your injuries are not very serious, let the police officer know if you are hurt by saying something like, "I am injured, but I don't want an ambulance."

  2. Document the Incident. Be sure to take photos of all vehicles and of the scene. Additionally, you should write down what happened as soon as you can so that your memory is fresh and you don’t forget about important details.

  3. Make an Insurance Claim. Call your insurance company as soon as possible to report the collision and any injuries. It's likely that your insurance obligates you to do this.

  4. Exchange Information. Make sure that you get all insurance information that you can from the other drivers. Also, if there are any witnesses be sure to ask them for their contact information in case it is not available in the police report.

  5. Get Medical Treatment. Go for medical treatment as soon as possible to help prove to your insurance company that your injuries are a direct result of the Collison. Report all injuries from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and if you have health insurance, please make sure to give that info to your medical provider.

What to Avoid Right after a Collision

Similarly, there are some things that you should avoid doing in the aftermath of an accident so that you don’t make the situation worse for yourself or harder to win in court.

  1. Do not assume that the other driver will be honest about causing the collision.

  2. Do not ever give a recorded statement to another driver's insurance company. Even your own insurance company wants to spend as little money as possible, so the less you say to all insurance companies the better.

  3. Do not leave the scene or move your vehicle until the police arrive and ask you to do so unless you have taken multiple photographs with the vehicles in their original position. 

  4. Do not fail to get any witness information (name, phone, address) that you can at the scene.

  5. Do not delay going for medical treatment.

Of course, many of the dos go hand-in-hand with the don’ts, but it must be reiterated how important these things are. The more well-documented the incident is and the more well-prepared you are for your case, the more likely you are to win your settlement. Also, it is important to hire an attorney to help you with your personal injury claim.

If You Need a Car Accident Attorney, Call Lloyd

We hope that you stay out there on the road! If you happen to find yourself in the aftermath of a collision in the future, be sure to follow these dos and don’ts to help you with your settlement, and then give Lloyd a call at (404) 848-8898 or send him a message. Lloyd H. Thomas is a car accident and personal injury attorney with the industry experience and knowhow needed to help you properly settle your case in court. You can expect us to have your back when life hits you with the unexpected!

Road Construction and Accident Hazards

Road Construction and Accident Hazards

Road construction is often a bittersweet thing. On the one hand, it is great because it means that necessary repairs are being made to fix the roadway. On the other hand, it often means that lanes are closed and that there will be traffic jams and even confusion.