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The Importance of Gathering Evidence after a Car Accident

Why Should You Gather Evidence after a Car Crash?

Car accidents are a distressing experience that can happen unexpectedly, leaving victims in a state of shock and confusion. However, in the midst of dealing with the immediate aftermath and potential injuries, it is crucial not to overlook the importance of gathering evidence. Properly collected evidence can play a pivotal role in determining liability, securing insurance claims, and ensuring a smoother recovery process. We are Lloyd H. Thomas Law, a car accident and personal injury law firm, and in this blog post we'll explore the significance of gathering evidence after a car accident.

Establishing Fault and Liability

One of the primary reasons for gathering evidence after a car accident is to establish fault and liability. This evidence can include photographs of the accident scene, vehicle damage, road conditions, and witness statements. Establishing who was at fault is vital for insurance claims and legal proceedings, as it determines who is responsible for covering damages and medical expenses.

Supporting Your Insurance Claim

When you file an insurance claim after a car accident, the insurance company will require evidence to assess the validity and extent of your claim. Without proper documentation, your claim may be challenged, delayed, or even denied. Gathering evidence such as police reports, medical records, and repair estimates can help substantiate your claim and increase the likelihood of receiving fair compensation.

Ensuring Accurate Recollection

Memory can be unreliable, especially in traumatic situations like car accidents. Witness statements and photographs provide objective, unbiased accounts of what transpired. This documentation helps ensure that the details of the accident are accurately remembered, reducing the risk of disputes or conflicting narratives later on.

Legal Protection

In more severe accidents or cases involving serious injuries, legal action may be necessary to seek compensation. Gathering evidence immediately after the accident ensures that you have a strong foundation to build your case upon. This can include preserving physical evidence, securing medical records, and collecting statements from experts who can testify on your behalf.

Prompt Resolution and Peace of Mind

Collecting evidence promptly can expedite the resolution of your claim or case. Insurance companies and legal proceedings can be time-consuming, but having all the necessary evidence ready can help facilitate a quicker process. This can lead to a faster recovery, both physically and financially, providing you with peace of mind during a challenging time.

Why Do You Need to Gather Evidence after a Car Crash?

Gathering evidence after a car accident is not just a precautionary measure; it's an essential step towards ensuring a fair and just outcome. Whether you're pursuing an insurance claim or preparing for potential legal action, the evidence you gather can significantly influence the outcome. By taking the time to document the accident scene, injuries, and other relevant details, you can protect your rights, increase your chances of receiving proper compensation, and ease the overall recovery process. Check out our article 5 Things to do after a Collision and 5 Things to Avoid for other suggestions of dos and don’ts in the aftermath of a car crash.

Gather the Evidence, then Hire an Attorney

The aftermath of an auto accident is a stressful and chaotic time period, but it is so crucial that you do your best to compose yourself and allow yourself to gather evidence. Doing so will help you tremendously in the aftermath, and so will hiring an experienced car accident attorney. If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident and need help using your evidence to receive a fair settlement, then call Lloyd!

Give us a call at (404) 848-889, or click here to send us a message. Lloyd H. Thomas Law are expert car and truck accident lawyers who will stand with you when you’re hit with the unexpected.

Drive safe and thanks for reading!

Why You Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage No


Lawyers Helping Injured People

Car accidents are a harsh reality of life on the road. While most drivers carry insurance coverage to protect themselves and others in the event of a collision, there are still a significant number of motorists who drive without insurance. With this in mind, it becomes crucial to understand the importance of uninsured motorist coverage and why you need it now.

Uninsured motorist coverage is an insurance option designed to protect you when you are involved in an accident with a driver who does not have liability insurance. This coverage provides financial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages resulting from the accident caused by the uninsured driver. It essentially acts as a safety net to ensure that you are not left to bear the burden of expenses if the at-fault driver cannot pay.

Below are some important reasons why you should consider getting uninsured motorist coverage today if you do not already have it.

Protection Against Uninsured Drivers

As mentioned above, the prevalence of uninsured drivers on the roads is a concerning reality. If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver and do not have uninsured motorist coverage, you may be forced to rely on your own resources to cover medical bills, car repairs, and other expenses resulting from the accident. Uninsured motorist coverage provides a layer of protection and peace of mind, knowing that you are financially safeguarded in such unfortunate situations.

Coverage in Hit-and-Run Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents, where the at-fault driver flees the scene without providing identification or insurance information, can leave you feeling helpless. Uninsured motorist coverage can step in and cover your expenses in these situations, ensuring that you are not left to bear the financial burden of someone else's negligence.

Supplementing Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Even if a driver carries insurance, their policy limits may not be sufficient to cover all of the damages resulting from an accident. In such cases, underinsured motorist coverage comes into play. It fills the gap between the at-fault driver's insurance coverage and the total cost of your damages. By combining uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, you can protect yourself against both uninsured and inadequately insured drivers.

Peace of Mind

Car accidents are stressful enough without the added worry of how you will cover the expenses. Uninsured motorist coverage provides peace of mind, knowing that you have taken proactive steps to protect yourself and your finances. It allows you to focus on your recovery and the well-being of yourself and your loved ones rather than the financial implications of an accident.

Navigating Uninsured Motorist Coverage

It's important to note that uninsured motorist coverage requirements and regulations vary by state. While some states mandate uninsured motorist coverage, others make it optional. Even in states where it is not required, it is strongly recommended to consider adding this coverage to your auto insurance policy. It is an additional layer of protection that can prove invaluable in times of need.

When considering uninsured motorist coverage, it's crucial to review your policy limits and understand the extent of coverage provided. Evaluate your personal circumstances, such as your budget, driving habits, and the prevalence of uninsured drivers in your area, to determine the appropriate coverage level for your needs. Discuss your options with an insurance agent who can guide you through the process.


Whether or not you have uninsured motorist coverage, the aftermath of a car accident is not always easy. If you need help with a settlement after getting into an auto accident, Call Lloyd!

Call (404) 848-8898 or click here to send him a message.

Lloyd H. Thomas Law are expert car accident attorneys in Atlanta, GA who are here to help you get fairly compensated for an accident that you didn’t cause.

Thanks for reading!

10 Statistics that Drivers Shouldn’t Ignore

Driving and Car Crash Statistics that Every Driver Should Know

The United States is a large country with an ever-growing population. With a population well over 300 million people, you can imagine that there are a lot of registered drivers. According to Statista, there were about 232.8 million licensed drivers in the United States in 2021 – not to mention all of the unlicensed people who are driving illegally. Considering just how many people that really is, there is no surprise that auto accidents occur and personal injuries are sustained thousands of times every year. We are Lloyd H. Thomas Law, a car accident and personal injury law firm, and we want to share with you some important driving statistics that every licensed driver shouldn’t ignore.

Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Statistics

Each year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, who are part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, break down all reported traffic crashes. Here are 10 of the most jarring and important statistics that we found in their report.

  1. Fatalities – There were 42,939 people killed in car crashes in 2021

  2. Injuries – There were 2,497,657 people injured on U.S. roads in 2021

  3. Police Reports – There were 6,063,428 police-reported non-fatal traffic crashes in 2021

  4. On the Rise – All categories of fatalities increased, 10% overall increase from 2020 to 2021

  5. Cars – 32% of fatalities were passenger car occupants, 30% light-truck, 20% pedestrian

  6. No Seat Belt – 11,821 fatalities in 2021 by unrestrained drivers

  7. Alcohol – 10,049 fatalities in 2021 by alcohol-impaired drivers

  8. Speeding – 8,464 fatalities in 2021 by speeding drivers

  9. Time of Day – 13,194 daytime and 12,931 nighttime fatalities – almost equal

  10. Urban vs. Rural – 25,698 fatalities in urban areas, and 17,103 in rural areas

Check out the NHTSA’s full report: Overview of Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes in 2021.

Car Crash Statistics Takeaways

These numbers will scare many of you – and they should! Driving started as a luxury and a convenience, but overtime has become a safety hazard and a problem. It is important that every time you drive you are sober, alert, and cautious. It is better to assume that others will drive unsafely and be prepared for it, than assume that they will drive properly and end up sustaining a personal injury, or worse, becoming a fatality. Here are a few key takeaways: 

  • Wear your seatbelt at all times

  • Do not drink and drive or be in the car with a drunk driver

  • Do not speed, especially when combined with either of the above

  • Fatal crashes occur at all times of the day

  • Fatal crashes occur in all types of areas

We are both car and truck accident lawyers for a reason – 62% of all fatalities in 2021 were either passenger car or light-truck occupants. No matter who you are, what you drive, whether you are a passenger or pedestrian, whether it is night or day, whether in the city or the country, there is always a chance that an accident occurs or a personal injury is sustained.

Bottom line: be careful and cautious on the road.

Looking for a Car or Truck Lawyer? Call Lloyd

If you have suffered a personal injury in an auto accident and need help with a fair settlement, then call Lloyd at (404) 848-8898. You can also click here to send him a message. Lloyd H. Thomas Law are expert car and truck accident lawyers who have your back when you’re hit with the unexpected.

Take care and drive safely!

Warm Weather Brings Higher Traffic Volume

There are More Cars on the Road when it is Warm Outside

After the long, cold winter months it is always refreshing when the summer sun starts shining through the springtime rain clouds. However, when the weather is nice and warm people tend to get outside more often. Whether they want to flood the beaches, amusement parks, have picnics in the park, or just go for a long drive with the windows down, warm weather brings about higher volumes of traffic on the road. It is no secret that when there are more cars on the road, there are more auto accidents that occur. Lloyd H. Thomas Law is an auto collision personal injury attorney and today we are discussing how to stay safe when there are a lot of cars on the road.

Why Does More Traffic Result in More Accidents?

When there are more cars on the road, it only makes sense that there will subsequently be more accidents. However, there are a few contributing factors to why this is. Here are a few examples:

First off, more traffic means higher chances of traffic jams. Stop and go traffic jams can be a test for impatient drivers, who may make foolish, impulsive decisions, and with very little room for error, this can easily result in a collision.

Next, there are a lot more people traveling. Warm weather often makes people want to travel, which means they might be on roads that they are not familiar with. Additionally, when people are traveling they might be stressed out or take a wrong turn or miss an exit, which can result in poor decisions such as last minute turns or over-braking.

Lastly, warm weather brings about seasonal vehicles. Large RVs that folks don’t drive on a regular basis are being taken cross-country, boats trailers are being towed by cars, and sports cars that stay garaged when it’s raining and cold are reaching high spends with the top down. All of these additional vehicles that are less-frequently driven can result in auto collisions.

How to Drive Safely in Warm Weather

Here is a checklist of steps to take to ensure that you are safe while driving in the warm weather.

  • Use time management to plan for traffic delays so you aren’t impatient 

  • Be mindful of other drivers you and watch out for people acting reckless

  • Allow extra space between you and the car in front of you in case of sudden braking

  • Keep sunglasses in the car and use your visors when the sun is blinding

  • If you miss a turn just keep driving and take the next exit safely, then turn around

  • Only use the left lane when passing to avoid angering other drivers or disrupting traffic

  • Wear your seatbelt, don’t use your phone, and keep the music at a low volume

Some drivers can be unpredictable. Make sure that you are always focused on the road to keep yourself and your passengers safe and to help you to avoid getting into a traffic accident.

Need an Auto Collision Personal Injury Attorney?

Getting into a car accident can be a headache, and it’s not always easy to be fairly compensated for collisions that you are the victim of. Contact Lloyd H. Thomas Law for an experienced and trusted attorney who specializes in car accidents. We are located in Atlanta, Georgia and are here to help you to get fair compensation for auto accidents that are not your fault.

Give us a call at (404) 848-8898.

Why You Need to Make Sure that You Have Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Georgia

The Importance of Having Uninsured Motorist Coverage on Your Insurance Policy

If you own and operate a vehicle, you are required to have car insurance. While this adds a monthly expense to your budget, it is well worth the freedoms that owning a vehicle can give to a driver. Not only does a registered and insured vehicle give the driver the freedom to drive, it also allows them to do so with peace of mind in the event of an accident. Unfortunately, we live in a very unpredictable world where anything can happen. An automobile accident could be caused by your own actions, the actions of another driver, either of your vehicles failing to operate properly, or even the weather conditions or conditions of the road itself. In fact, roughly 1.5 million car crashes involving a deer occur every year. Even something as simple as an animal walking across the road could cause a crash and make you thankful that you are insured.

But what if you get into an accident with an uninsured motorist? Some drivers are irresponsible, and choose to drive without having the necessary insurance coverage. Lloyd H. Thomas Law is a personal injury law firm that works with clients every day who have been the victims of car accidents. Today, we would like to discuss the importance of car insurance and particularly the importance of having uninsured motorist coverage in the state of Georgia.

What is Uninsured Motorist Insurance Coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage is part of your auto insurance that covers you if you are hit by a motorist who does not have insurance. You are not required by law to have uninsured motorist coverage in Georgia, however driving without it poses great risk to you. In the event that you were hit by an uninsured driver, you would have to pay for your vehicle damages and medical bills on your own and then take the other driver to court. Having this coverage will save you the time, money, and stress of having to pay for your damages on your own.

The Difference between Add-On and Reduced-By Coverage

When adding uninsured motorist coverage to your insurance policy, it is important to make this clear distinction. We strongly recommend that you choose “add-on” coverage instead of “reduced-by” coverage. What does this mean?

Add-on coverage allows you to add the amount of uninsured motorist insurance that you have to the other driver’s insurance.

Reduced-by coverage only pays for the difference between the amount that the other driver’s insurance policy pays and your uninsured motorist coverage.

Essentially, add-on coverage will allow you to have a much larger sum of money to compensate you for your damages and medical bills than reduced-by coverage. It is important to note, however, that insurance companies don’t often make it easy to make a claim and receive these funds. If you find yourself in a situation where you may need to make an uninsured motorist claim it is essential to find an experienced personal injury attorney to assist you.

Have You Been in a Car Accident? Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

Accidents happen, and if you are not the one at fault then you deserve to be compensated fairly for your damages and injuries. Hire a personal injury lawyer to help you through the process and to help you get compensated. Call Lloyd H. Thomas Law at (404) 848-8898 or send him a message today. Lloyd H. Thomas is a personal injury attorney who will help you properly write your claim and settle your case. If you were the victim of a car accident, Lloyd has your back!

Road Construction and Accident Hazards

Road Construction and Accident Hazards

Road construction is often a bittersweet thing. On the one hand, it is great because it means that necessary repairs are being made to fix the roadway. On the other hand, it often means that lanes are closed and that there will be traffic jams and even confusion.

Why is Road Rage on the Rise in Atlanta?

Why is Road Rage on the Rise in Atlanta?

Unfortunately, we have seen a spike in road rage incidents lately in Atlanta, GA. Road rage is defined as when a driver feels violent anger while operating a vehicle due to the conditions and other drivers around them on the road. Oftentimes this might lead to people yelling, honking, or giving someone the middle finger. However, in some cases, drivers will take it to an extreme and dangerous level and will actually engage in a physical altercation with another driver.

What You Need to Know When You’re Hit by an Uninsured Driver

What You Need to Know When You’re Hit by an Uninsured Driver

It goes without saying that getting into an auto accident with anyone is undesirable but being involved in an accident with a driver who is uninsured is certainly worse. It can lead to a wide variety of issues, which is why it’s so important to prepare yourself with as much information as possible.