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Road Construction and Accident Hazards

How Can Road Construction Lead to Traffic Accidents? 

Road construction is often a bittersweet thing. On the one hand, it is great because it means that necessary repairs are being made to fix the roadway. On the other hand, it often means that lanes are closed and that there will be traffic jams and even confusion. Confusion can lead to mistakes being made by drivers, causing accidents. Lloyd H. Thomas Law is a truck accident and car accident attorney helping clients to deal with exactly that: the unexpected. Let’s delve further into the relation between road construction and accident hazards.

Highway Work Zone Accidents

Unfortunately, highway work zones are dangerous for both drivers and the workers. They pose a series of hazards that lead to fatalities every year. According to the CDC, the Federal Highway Administration reported that 28,636 people died from car crashes in construction work zones between 1982 and 2019, which equates to about 774 deaths per year. These numbers rose by an average of nearly 200 deaths per year from the period of 2008-2014 to the period of 2015-2019.

Similarly, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 2,103 workers died in road construction accidents between 2003 and 2019, averaging about 124 deaths each year. States with larger populations tend to see more of these fatalities, with Texas experiencing the most. According to Work Zone Barriers, last year in 2021 60% of highway contractors reported work zone crashes, as revealed by a study done by the Associated General Contractors of America. 

Of course, in addition to the shocking death statistics, many more individuals sustain serious injuries in construction zone crashes every year. Those people need medical treatment and competent legal representation to enable them to recover from their injuries.

Why are Road Work Zones such an Accident Hazard?

Considering the numbers above, what is causing all of these accidents and fatalities when it comes to construction roadwork projects? Here are the main hazards.

1) Changing Speed

Speed limits change quickly, people are not paying attention to speed change.

2) Irregular Lanes

Lanes often narrow and divert off of regular paths. Also, cones or barrels that are used to adjust the lanes can be knocked into the road path.

3) Auto-Pilot

These work zones are especially dangerous to regular commuters who are zoned out on "auto-pilot" and are not actively paying attention to road changes.

4) Confusing Signals

Signage from signs or workers can be confusing, or not visible to drivers, and they are especially difficult to see at night.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, nearly 25% of all fatal work zone crashes in 2019 involved a rear-end collision. So, if you find yourself driving through a work zone, use extra caution. Drive slowly, be cautious of workers and cones, and try not to slam on your brakes so you are not rear-ended by the car behind you. It is best to proceed slowly with caution so that you can arrive at your destination safely.

Contact Lloyd if You Need an Accident Attorney

Were you the victim of a roadwork construction zone related accident, or do you have a personal injury case or questions about your settlement? If so, then give Lloyd a call at (404) 848-8898 or send him a message today. Lloyd H. Thomas is an injury and car accident attorney with the experience and expertise needed to help you properly settle your case. When the unexpected happens in life and you need help with a settlement we are here to help!