Bike Accidents and Injuries
Although communities like Atlanta are moving toward making sharing the road with cars a little safer for bicycle riders, we still have a long way to go before riding is safe. Riders are forced to constantly maneuver on bike paths and busy Atlanta roads, often sharing the road with careless, distracted, or even angry drivers. Atlanta area bike accidents can be caused by any number of factors, from bad weather conditions to poorly maintained paths. But most bike accidents are caused by motorist negligence, such as when drivers do not check properly before changing lanes or opening a door. And the danger faced by a cyclist is decidedly greater than the danger to the driver when a car collides with a bicycle. Talk to an experienced bicycle accident attorney like Lloyd Thomas if you have been the victim of another’s negligence. We are here to help you recover the compensation you deserve.
Some Common Bicycle Accident Cases Our Law Firm Represents
- Collisions with vehicles pulling out of driveways and parking lots
- Accidents from motor vehicles changing lanes
- Crashes with motor vehicles turning in front of them
- Bicyclists hit by opened car doors in their path
- Failure to see bike accidents
Another hazard posed to cyclists is the unfamiliarity they have with new routes as Atlanta and its surrounding cities continuously add bike lanes to main roads. When you factor in motorists who may also not be aware of the new lanes, it can lead to accidents with severe consequences for the cyclist. And there are still many Georgia cities where bike lanes are not used, and cyclists have to share the road with cars and trucks. Bikers can easily find themselves in the blind spots of passing cars, who may attempt to make right hand turns or merge into traffic without seeing them, clipping them and causing the accident. Bike accidents can result in anything from a slight sprain to a traumatic brain injury, with more than 60,000 cyclists injured each year in the United States.
Regardless of whether they’re driving a car, truck or riding a bike, everyone is responsible for safety on Georgia’s roads and in doing their part to ensure the safety of others sharing the road. When a motorist’s recklessness causes a collision with a cyclist, they can be held responsible for compensation to the injured party for damages.
If you have been involved in a traffic accident while riding your bike, you may be entitled to compensation. We can help determine who was at fault in your accident. If your injuries were caused by the negligence of a motorist, we will work to get you a fair settlement to cover your medical costs. Contact us and let an attorney experienced in bicycle accident law get started helping you while you recover.
Our firm does not charge any up-front fees to represent you in your case. The attorneys at our firm represent each client on a contingency fee basis. This means that our fee is paid based on a percentage of the money we recover for you. Our consultations are free and we are proud to offer the option to bring our personal legal service to you. We use courier services to get legal documents to you and back.
If we do not receive an offer or a verdict on your case or recover any money for you, you will not be charged for any of the attorney’s time spent on your case.
In addition, the statute of limitations is defined as the time period in which a lawsuit must be filed and they typically differ by type of civil claim. In the state of Georgia, there is a two-year limit from the date of the incident for personal injury, fraud and medical malpractice claims. Other claims, such as personal property, trespassing and debt collection have a four-year limit. If you do not file your lawsuit before the statute of limitations has expired the case will be dismissed and forever barred from being re-filed.
Call or email Lloyd right away to discuss your case. Consultation is absolutely free. (404) 848-8898.
Bike Law and Advocacy Links
Atlanta Bicycle Coalition
Very active Atlanta non-profit group advocates bicycle riding for fun, fitness and transportation.
Bike Commuters of Atlanta
Awesome advocacy group -
1,000 + members on Facebook
Atlanta Bike Lane Parking
Facebook Group encourages reporting of bike lane parking
Call Hotline 404-750-2263