We have all heard the phrase “Don’t drink and drive”, and most of us have that ingrained in our minds and make a conscious effort never to drive if we have been drinking. Whether you have a designated driver who is sober, or if you walk home, or if you call a cab or ride-sharing driver, there are plenty of options that allow you to get home safely. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the law.
What You Need to Know When You’re Hit by an Uninsured Driver
Top 5 Causes of Auto Accidents in Georgia
Summertime Driving Hazards in Georgia
If you’ve ever driven in Georgia in the summer, then you already know how hectic it can get. Kids are out of school, families are taking vacations, summer holidays are being celebrated, and those long-anticipated construction projects are finally getting completed. The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is referred to as the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer” because during this bulk of summertime there is an increase in car accidents, especially those involving teen drivers.