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Stay Safe During the Holiday Season

How to Avoid Accidents and Injury This Time of Year

The holidays tend to come with the hustle and bustle. With everyone out and about shopping and gathering, the roads tend to get busier and with increased traffic, comes an increased risk of accidents. It’s important to ensure that you’re prepared for this and take the correct steps to be as safe as possible. Read below about the tips from our personal injury attorneys on how you can ensure your safety on the roads this holiday season.

Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

As injury attorneys, we’ve seen it all, and more often than not, these accidents are completely preventable but end up occurring due to complete negligence. It’s easy to fall victim to these circumstances, as mistakes and accidents happen all the time. However, you can decrease your risk of being injured in an accident with these tips; 

  1.  Leave Earlier - Many auto accidents occur due to reckless driving and speeding and more often than not, people will drive erratically when they are running late. Make sure that you’ve left your home with plenty of time to ensure that you’ll arrive safely. Remember, it’s better to arrive late than not at all. 

  2. Check Your Tires - Another issue that causes accidents are worn down or bald tires. If you’re planning to take a long road trip you need to consider getting a new set of tires.

  3. Eliminate Distractions - Driving with a full car of people can become quite the distraction, taking your attention away from the road.

  4. Check the Weather - If you know that the roads may not be safe for driving, consider leaving ahead of the storm. If you can’t leave early or wait for it to pass, remember to take it slow and have an emergency kit stored in the back of your car. 

  5. Check Traffic Ahead of Time - Take a look at traffic reports and find a route that may be less traveled. Oftentimes, accidents cause traffic jams that can lead to even more accidents. If possible, wait to drive anywhere until the busier travel times have passed. 

What to Do if You’re Injured in an Auto Accident

If you’re caught in a car accident always make sure you call the police and get photos of the incident. However, if you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident, it’s extremely important that you get in touch with a personal injury attorney.

When choosing an injury lawyer, you want experience and a track record of winning. With Lloyd H. Thomas, you get just that. 

Why Choose Lloyd H. Thomas Injury Attorney

The best way to get the money you need for your damages and injuries is by working with the best personal injury attorney in Georgia.

If you’ve been injured in an accident and you need to get paid for your injuries and damage, don’t hesitate to contact us at (404)848-8898 or click here to fill out our form.

Get started on the track to get the money you’re owed right now!